Library Corner

Distance Learning Resources





  • Sora/Overdrive (School: Grand County School District. User name: S+student ID, e.g. S1234)
  • Pinna (Paid subscription; free 60-day trial during coronavirus outbreak)
  • Audible (Selection of free kids' books during the coronavirus outbreak)
  • Audible (Paid subscription)
  • AudioBookCloud (Username: tumble2020 Password A3b5c6)



Read-Aloud Videos:


Book Review Sites:

The HMK Library is looking for volunteers to help with the Take-Home Library (Blue Book Baggies ) Program. Volunteers come into the library from 8:30-10:30 a.m. 1-2 mornings each week to switch out books for students. It’s a fun, laid-back time that also has positive results because it gives all K-2 students access to new books. If you are interested, please contact Brittany Redd at [email protected] or 435-719-4826 and let her know what day(s) you’d like to do. We can only do the Take-Home Library program if we have enough volunteers, so your help would be much appreciated! Thank you!
SORA Books 
Utah Online Library 
using SCHOOL INTERNET (no login required on district internet):
using HOME INTERNET (HOME ACCESS login from SESC bookmark required):